生物兵器 リシンRicin 緊急情報
日本医師会総合政策研究機構 在米研究員
南イリノイ大学医学部感染症科 アシスタントプロフェッサー
五味 晴美
米国疾病管理予防センター(CDC)は、米国2003年10月24日付けで、生物兵器に使用される可能性のある猛毒リシン Ricinが、米国サウスキャロライナ州の小さい郵便局で、脅迫文とともに封をした封筒に入れられているのが発見されたことを確認した。
- The United States Postal Service, in conjunction with federal and state law enforcement and public health officials, identified an unmarked and sealed envelope containing a threatening note and a sealed container believed to contain a toxic substance at a small postal handling facility 、in Greenville, South Carolina. The Department of Health and Human Services' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed that the substance was the toxin Ricin.
- The facility was closed and CDC conducted environmental testing. The results of the environmental testing were negative for the presence of Ricin. There are no indications of employee exposure or of adverse health effects as a result of this incident. A criminal investigation by the FBI and US Postal Inspection Service is currently underway.
- Ricin is a potent biologic toxin that is derived from castor beans. Inhalation of Ricin or of abrin, which is a closely related toxin, typically leads to cough and respiratory distress followed by pulmonary edema, respiratory failure, and multisystem organ failure. Weakness and influenza-like symptoms of fever, myalgia, and arthralgia may also be reported.
- For an overview of Ricin, including signs, symptoms, and treatment, please visit http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/ricin/index.asp.
- Anyone needing more information on Ricin poisoning should contact a local poison control center.
- Clinicians who suspect cases of Ricin poisoning are requested to immediately report such cases to their state or local health departments.
- CDC requests that reports of suspected cases from state and local health departments be reported to the CDC Emergency Operations Center, telephone 770-488-7100.
1.リシン Ricin 全般について
2.臨床医向け リシンRicinの吸入inhalation 症例定義 case definition
3.臨床医向け リシン Ricinの摂取 ingestion 症例定義 case definition
4.リシン Ricin 中毒症状のまとめ