About JMACode of Medical Ethics


The mission of medical science and healthcare extends beyond solely curing diseases. It encompasses the maintenance and promotion of people's health, while also providing medical care to support those who are challenging to treat and palliative medicine to alleviate suffering. Recognizing the significance of this mission, the physician should serve society with a fundamental love for humanity at its core.

  1. The physician should strive to achieve a lifelong dedication to continuing education, to keep abreast of medical knowledge and technology, and to support its progress and development.
  2. Physicians should be aware of the dignity and responsibility of their occupation and strive to enhance their cultural refinement, education, and integrity.
  3. Physicians should respect the individuality of their patients, treat them with compassion, provide full explanations of all medical treatment, and endeavor to earn the trust of the patient.
  4. Physicians should maintain respect for their fellow physician, cooperate with medical care personnel and serve the cause of medical care to the best of their abilities.
  5. The physician should respect the spirit of public service that characterizes health care, contribute to the development of society while abiding by legal standards and establishing legal order.
  6. The physician will not engage in medical activities for profit-making motives.

Adopted by the 102nd Regular General Assembly of
the JMA House of Delegates in April 2000
Revised by the 150th Regular General Assembly of
the JMA House of Delegates in March 2022