Activities - JMAJVol.56 No.3 May-June 2013

JMA Policies

Depression and Suicide Countermeasures in Japan
Japan Medical Association Mental Health Committee
JMAJ 56(3): 129-142, 2013

Program of the Activities of the Japan Medical Association Team (JMAT)
Japan Medical Association Emergency and Disaster Medicine Management Committee
JMAJ 56(3): 143-154, 2013

Research and Reviews: Heat stroke

Severity Classification of Heat Illness Based on Pathophysiology
JMAJ 56(3): 155-161, 2013

Epidemiology of Heat Illness
Shunsuke NAKAMURA, Tohru ARUGA
JMAJ 56(3): 162-166, 2013

Pathophysiology of Heat Illness: Thermoregulation, risk factors, and indicators of aggravation
Yasufumi MIYAKE
JMAJ 56(3): 167-173, 2013

Prevention and Treatment of Heat Illness
Shin-ichiro SHIRAISHI, Hiroyuki YOKOTA
JMAJ 56(3): 174-178, 2013

Heat Stroke in Schools
JMAJ 56(3): 179-185, 2013

Prevention of Heat Stress Disorders in the Workplace
Seichi HORIE
JMAJ 56(3): 186-192, 2013

Heatstroke in Older Adults
Masafumi KUZUYA
JMAJ 56(3): 193-198, 2013

Heat Stroke and the Thermal Environment
Masaji ONO
JMAJ 56(3): 199-205, 2013

From the Japanese Association of Medical Sciences

Latest News From the Japanese Pharmacological Society
Hiroshi IWAO
JMAJ 56(3): 206-207, 2013

From the Editor's Desk

From the Editor's Desk
Masami ISHII
JMAJ 56(3): 208-209, 2013